5 best invitation card from indonesian tradisionals

Dunia Pengetahuan - Hi I am going to share something about the design characteristic of Indonesian law. Here I have five pieces of invitation designs that I think is good and really the hallmark of Indonesian country, especially in the area of Java.

Before I give you five examples of the invitation, I will give you some idea about Indonesia. Indonesia has hundreds of different characteristics and culture, each region in Indonesia has its own characteristics, as examples of the magnitude, on the island of Java mostly there own characteristic way of speaking that is gentle and has a batik that is worldwide. On the island of Sumatra also has a distinctive characteristic of which is the traditional clothing every area very charming and different speaking styles. Bergitu also with the island of Borneo, where we will see a lot of houses that are typical of Borneo, and has a distinctive way of speaking and clothing Kalimantan.

But on this occasion the theme of the invitation I would present is characteristic of Java, which consist of a form of batik and wayang, following an invitation hallmark of Java.

Well, that is some characteristic examples invitation came from parts of Java Indonesia.
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